Have become rather conspiracy-minded about the medical establishment - both in the psychiatric and somatic field, it seems to attract suspiciously incompetent types. People way too stupid to be allowed to work in such an intricate sphere - and yet, here we are

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Good Stalin 'Stache on the drawing. You still have the brand of tobacco he smoked?

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yup, royal yacht (allegedly)

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You need to learn some good 'Stachist phrases in Russian and Georgian to haphazardly blurt out during your lessons - an erudite means of filtering out the normies and attracting the worthy

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Sep 23Liked by Denzel Dominique

I hope you continue to heal well. I have, thankfully, avoided much significant contact with our beloved NHS thus far. I'm hoping to keep away from them for another 20 years; if I stay off the booze maybe I have a chance, but the gods will no doubt smile at such hubris.

Due to two family members having had significant health problems in recent years (one because she was very old; the other's issues are complex but he seems to have declined precipitately since he had a certain prophylactic medical intervention in 2021; he very nearly died the following year) I have had many encounters with doctors, nurses and other healthcare staff. One does encounter kindness and competence and professionalism - while this should represent a more or less minimal expectation, not least given the billions that are pumped into the system, we should probably still express a sincere gratitude when it materialises. And although modern medicine is undoubtedly beset with flaws, again it would feel churlish not to be grateful that we can be relieved of some of the pain and suffering that have tormented most humans over the centuries. I like to rail against modernity with the best of them, but I was glad to have had a rotten tooth painlessly removed, for a fairly modest fee.

That said, my overall impression of the NHS is that it is essentially a microcosm of modern Britain: an impressive establishment in some ways, but one which is inefficient, wasteful and declining in quality, bloated and ugly, sometimes dangerously dysfunctional and disorganised, and staffed by people who are about as courteous, intelligent, articulate and helpful as the average citizen - which, with honourable exceptions, isn't saying much.

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I find the NHS particularly grim as I worked for it (medical secretary) for 2 years, my father was a doctor and my mother a nurse, I grew up with the idea that medicine was a vocation rather than a mere job. But as with academia, the police, military, the church, it's falling apart now.

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I'm glad to hear that you're out the other end of it with some hopeful benefit. In case it may be of help; I have found the Bates method useful- not by any means miraculous, but helpful, and I haven't been diligent about it yet. I don't have serious eye problems, but alot of night work and reading in poor light really took their toll on me. The bates method seems to temporarily improve my clarity, but certainly relieves strain of vision. Aldous Huxley was apparently impressed, and he had inch thick glasses I think.

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